Family Support

We believe that education is a partnership between children, parents and school. It is with your support and cooperation that we aim to create a secure and safe foundation for learning, one where working together has the most positive impact on your child and helps them to flourish and succeed. We value the unique insight that parents can provide into their children’s learning and acknowledge that learning begins and continues in the home environment. By working in close partnership with parents, we seek to nurture in every child the development of trust, respect, confidence, independence, self- esteem and the desire to learn.

We understand that being a parent can be both the most difficult job in the world and the most rewarding one. Across our family of schools, we have a Family Support Team who recognise those challenges and are here to support you through difficult times. We have many years of experience of working with children and families, which enables us to work alongside you to achieve your family’s goals. We use our ears and our hearts to understand your family.

Support Resources 


Safeguarding is all our responsibility. If you are concerned about a child’s safety outside of term time when we are not available in school, please contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH team): 

  • Phone: 0345 155 1071. 


Other resources: 


Devon Connect – Connecting Communities in Devon. Lists events, services, and volunteering opportunities provided by not-for-profit organisations across Devon. 

Find a food bank & see what they need – Give Food Find your nearest food bank. 

Public and Community Service Providers | Devon Services Lists public and community service providers. 

Citizens Advice Advice about financial or legal matters.  



Mental health support services: 


YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds Support and information about lots of different issues available for young people and parents and care givers. 

Contact Us | Samaritans Samaritans: 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Phone 116 123. 

Get Support – The Mix Under 25s support and information. 

Shout: the UK’s free, confidential and 24/7 mental health text service for crisis support | Shout 85258 ( Shout – text service support line.  

CheckPoint | The Children’s Society ( Local support for young people. 

What we offer | CentrePeace Support network based in Paignton. Access to free counselling. 

Windmill Torbay | Charity | The Windmill Centre, Pendennis Road, Torquay, UK Support network based in Torquay. Access to free counselling.   

Devon Family Hubs Devon Family Hubs are a helpful place to find support for all kinds of family issues. You can make a referral yourself and they will be able to tell you what support is available.




The Family Support Team are working very hard to support children and families to achieve the very best outcomes in their attendance and attainment. We have very high expectations regarding attendance and punctuality which we believe our children and families deserve. We monitor the punctuality of children arriving at school daily and will discuss any concerns or support needs at the time of the lateness.

We will engage with families, including home visits to encourage children to attend school where appropriate and to support parents in affecting meaningful change and encouraging attendance. We have designed and use family attendance contracts which are completed with the child and parents as an additional measure to the legal framework to promote partnership working with families.