As a Church of England school with a Christian foundation, we are inclusive to all families and welcome a community with diverse religious and non-religious world views.
SIAMS inspections focus on the impact of the Church school’s Christian vision on pupils and adults. This involves looking at the school’s Christian vision, the provision the school makes because of this vision and how effective this provision is in enabling all pupils to flourish.
Dartington Church of England Academy had a SIAMS inspection on Friday 18th October 2024. During the inspection the inspector, met with parents and representatives from our community, visited lessons and spoke with children and staff. We are thrilled to share that she was overwhelmed with the strength of practice that she saw and praised “the warm, nurturing relationships (that) are evident across the school community.” She also highlighted, as a key strength, our school’s provision for SEND children saying:
“The school’s provision is highly inclusive. The curriculum has been specially adapted to allow pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), and who find learning difficult, to work alongside their peers. This means they can fully access the curriculum and promotes equality of opportunity for all.”
The inspector told us that our community informed her that “They (parents and carers) feel the school truly ‘sees the actual pupil’ and ensures that inclusion is met in its broadest sense.”
We encourage you to read the full report below, which includes our next steps for development.